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why is qatar rich

 why is qatar so rich:Qatar is very tiny country with small population but huge natural gass reserves because of its gas reserves qatar is one of the richest country in the world.

in the list of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita, Qatar is the highest, including the non-Qataris living in Qatar.
The economy of Qatar is mostly based on hydrocarbons, it shares South Pars/North Dome Gas-Condensate field, by far the world's largest natural gas field,as well as production of oil and many related industries.
The Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund invests the income globally in all sectors.
Since the local market isn’t big enough, local companies like Qatar Airways and Ooredoo had to expand outside the country and currently make most of their income outside Qatar.

Why is Qatar so wealthy(so rich)?

Simply because the natural resources are profiting to the country owing to good governance and the rule of law. The government is fair and looks after its people.

Money is spent wisely, no extravagance. Most third world countries are rich with a lot of resources but only a minorit

