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where to find guardian shield in fortnite

 where to find guardian shield in fortnite

guardian shield in fortnite

What is it The Guardian Shield

The Guardian Shield is a new item that was introduced in the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 update. It is a type of shield that provides players with extra protection against damage from enemy attacks. In this article, we'll go over where you can find the Guardian Shield and how it can be used in your gameplay.

The Guardian Shield can be found in various locations on the map, including loot chests and supply drops. It is also possible to obtain the Guardian Shield by eliminating enemies who have it equipped.

One of the best places to look for the Guardian Shield is in loot chests. These are scattered throughout the map and can be found in both indoor and outdoor locations. To open a loot chest, you will need to use your pickaxe to break it open. The chest will then release a variety of loot items, including the Guardian Shield.

Supply drops are another good source of the Guardian Shield. These are large, red-and-white crates that are dropped from planes onto the map. They contain a variety of high-quality loot items, including weapons, shields, and other useful items. To open a supply drop, you will need to use your pickaxe or a weapon to destroy it.

Another way to obtain the Guardian Shield is by eliminating enemies who have it equipped. When you defeat an enemy, they will drop all of the items that they have in their inventory, including the Guardian Shield. However, this can be a risky method, as you will need to engage in combat with other players to get the shield.

Once you have obtained the Guardian Shield, you can use it to protect yourself from enemy attacks. The shield has a certain amount of durability, which is represented by a green bar. When the shield takes damage, the green bar will deplete. Once the green bar is fully depleted, the shield will break and can no longer be used.

To use the Guardian Shield, you will need to equip it in your inventory. Once equipped, the shield will automatically activate when you take damage from enemy attacks. It will absorb the damage and reduce the amount of health that you lose. The Guardian Shield can be a very useful item, especially in late-game scenarios when players are engaging in intense combat.

In conclusion, the Guardian Shield is a new item that was introduced in the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 update. It can be found in loot chests, supply drops, and by eliminating enemies. The Guardian Shield provides players with extra protection against damage from enemy attacks and can be a valuable asset in combat.

 Strategies that you can use when using the Guardian Shield

There are several strategies that you can use when using the Guardian Shield in Fortnite. One of the most effective strategies is to use the shield as a means of defense while you are on the offensive. For example, you can use the shield to absorb damage while you are attacking enemy players with weapons. This can allow you to deal significant damage to your opponents without taking too much damage yourself.

Another strategy is to use the Guardian Shield in combination with other types of shields, such as the Small Shield Potion or the Large Shield Potion. These potions can be used to restore the durability of your shields, allowing you to stay protected for longer periods of time. By combining the Guardian Shield with other types of shields, you can create a formidable defense that is difficult for enemies to penetrate.

It is also important to keep an eye on your surroundings when using the Guardian Shield. Pay attention to the positioning of enemy players, as well as any potential hazards or traps that they may have set up. By staying aware of your surroundings, you can anticipate enemy attacks and use the Guardian Shield to your advantage.

Finally, it is important to remember that the Guardian Shield is not indestructible. It has a limited amount of durability and will eventually break if it takes too much damage. When using the shield, try to avoid taking unnecessary damage, and be prepared to retreat or switch to another type of shield if necessary.

Overall, the Guardian Shield is a powerful item that can give you a significant advantage in combat. By knowing where to find it and how to use it effectively, you can greatly improve your chances of survival in Fortnite. So, these are some of the things you should keep in mind while using the Guardian Shield in Fortnite.

It's also worth noting that the Guardian Shield is not the only type of shield available in Fortnite. There are several other types of shields that you can use to protect yourself from enemy attacks.

One such shield is the Small Shield Potion, which can be found in loot chests and supply drops. When consumed, this potion will restore 25 points of durability to your shield. It is a quick and easy way to boost your defenses, and can be especially useful in the early stages of a match.

Another option is the Large Shield Potion, which restores 50 points of durability to your shield. Like the Small Shield Potion, the Large Shield Potion can be found in loot chests and supply drops, and can be a valuable asset in combat.

In addition to these potions, there is also the Shield Bubble, which is a deployable structure that provides protection to players within its radius. The Shield Bubble can be placed on the ground and will protect players from enemy attacks, making it an excellent option for defending a position or setting up a ambush.

Finally, there are also several types of shields that can be found in the form of consumable items. These include the Chug Splash, which restores a small amount of health and shield, and the Chug Jug, which fully restores both health and shield. These items can be incredibly useful in emergency situations, and can give you the boost you need to turn the tide of a battle.

In summary, there are several types of shields available in Fortnite, each with its own unique properties and benefits. Whether you prefer the versatility of the Guardian Shield, the quick and easy protection of the Small Shield Potion, or the defensive capabilities of the Shield Bubble, there is a shield option available to suit your playstyle. So, these are some of the other shield options available in Fortnite that you can use to protect yourself from enemy attacks.

guardian shield locations

